Volunteering at the Red Cross in RLP - what is it about?

We've collected all the important things you need to know about doing a Freiwilligendienst. Starting with A (as in Age) up to Z (as in Zeugnis/certificate), this is where you find everything that is important for you. If our collectection does not clear up all your questions, get in touch! You can reach us via our hotline (06131 2828 1380) or write us an email (freiwilligendienste@lv-rlp.drk.de). If your questions during your voluntary service are of a very personal nature or you need to reflect on something acute, reach out to your Bildungsreferent*in. You'll find all our contacts on our team-site.

Jugendfreiwilligendienst (FSJ / BFD) - Volunteer Service for People under 27

Up to the age of 27, completed compulsory schooling

Federal Voluntary Service (BFD) or Voluntary Social Year (FSJ)

Usually 12 months


25 DRK educational seminar days

26 vacation days

€450 monthly pocket money

Coverage of statutory social security contributions

Individual support from an educational referent (DRK organization)

Guidance by a supervisor (in the respective place of assignment)

Bundesfreiwilligendienst (BFD) 27plus - Volunteer Service for People over 27

From the age of 27 and above

Federal Voluntary Service (BFD)

Usually 12 months

Three time models (20.5 hours / 30 hours / full-time)

12 days of educational seminars in 12 months

26 vacation days for full-time service

Monthly pocket money according to the extent of service, up to €490

Coverage of statutory social security contributions

Individual support from an educational referent (DRK organization)

Guidance by a supervisor (in the respective place of assignment)



International Applications for a Volunteer Service - requirements

Applicants need to be registered in Germany. Unfortunately we can not offer accomodation for volunteers.

In addition to the documents mentioned in the application form, we need:

  • a copy of a valid visa (non-EU) or your residence permit for Germany
  • work permit regarding your volunteering (after we issued your contract)
  • CV
  •  good language skills in German (level B1 recommended)



  • the allowance you receive is not enough to cover the cost of living in Germany
  • we do not participate in the Incoming Program. This means, it is not possible, to do a volunteering service in Rhineland-Palatinate with the Red Cross, if you don't have a work permit yet. It is possible in other federal states. For more information, see here: Bewerbung Incoming - DRK Wohlfahrtspflege


Information on Applyling Non EU - Download

Deutsch - einfach

Du willst dich bewerben und kommst nicht aus der EU? Hier sind alle wichtigen Informationen auf Deutsch.

Flyer Non-EU Deutsch


You want to apply and are not from the EU? Here is all the important information in English.

Flyer Non-EU English


هل تريد التقديم ولست من الاتحاد الأوروبي؟ إليك جميع المعلومات المهمة باللغة الألمانية.

Flyer Non-EU Arabisch

What to Know about Doing a Volunteer Service at the Red Cross in RLP

  • A

    Accidents at Work

    If you have a work accident at your deployment site, the respective professional association of your deployment site is responsible. This also applies to accidents during the seminar. Please contact us if you have had a work accident.

    Agency for Unemployment

    Volunteers are not subject to the reporting obligation according to § 38 (1) SGB III and are therefore not obliged to register as job seekers before the voluntary service expires. To ensure that unemployment benefit I payments can continue without interruption, you must register as a job seeker three months before the end of the voluntary service (if you are not engaging in a directly subsequent activity such as education or studies). You will receive a work certificate from the Employment Agency to fill out. Please send this to your responsible educational advisor.


    In the Youth Voluntary Service, you currently receive a monthly allowance of €450. This allowance includes a contribution for accommodation and meals. For the BFD 27plus, the allowance depends on the working time model and ranges between €330 and €490 per month.

  • B


    The Federal Voluntary Service (BFD) is based on the content and structure of the conditions outlined in the Voluntary Social Year (FSJ). Differences include a shorter probationary period (see probationary period) and participation in a political education seminar. Unlike the FSJ, the BFD is also possible for individuals over 27 years of age and on a part-time basis.


    According to the Youth Employment Protection Act (Jugendarbeitsschutzgesetz), if you are a minor, your break times are as follows:

    • If you work 4.5 to 6 hours per workday, your break time is 30 minutes.
    • If you work more than 6 hours per workday, your break time is 60 minutes.

    According to the Working Time Act (Arbeitszeitgesetz), if you are an adult, your break times are as follows:

    • If you work 6-9 hours per day, your break time is 30 minutes.
    • If you work more than 9 hours per day, your break time is 45 minutes. Your work without a break should not last longer than 6 hours.

    Deviations from these legal requirements may be regulated in a service agreement if necessary.

  • C


    At the beginning of your voluntary service, you will receive a provisional certificate indicating your participation and the expected duration of your voluntary service. This certificate is intended for submission to authorities. After the end of your voluntary service (at least six months), you will automatically receive a final certificate in terms of employment law, documenting the actual duration of your voluntary service. The original is intended for your records. For applications, etc., please always use a copy!

    To provide proof of the amount of your monthly allowance or in-kind benefits, you will regularly receive a salary statement. At the beginning and end of the voluntary service, you will receive a registration or deregistration for social insurance.

    Please keep these documents, as you may need them even after your voluntary service.

    Child Benefit

    In tax law and for the purposes of child benefit eligibility, a voluntary service is considered equivalent to school and training periods. This means that, in principle, there is a right to child benefit. You will receive the corresponding certificate along with your contract.


    If something bothers you in your placement, try to resolve it on-site first, for example, with your supervisor. If that is not possible because he/she is not "accessible" or is part of the conflict, please contact your responsible educational advisor directly and always.

  • D

    Data Protection and Confidentiality

    Your personal data will be collected, processed, and used by DRK only to the extent necessary for the establishment, implementation, processing, or termination of voluntary service assignments.

    Data such as names and images provided to you during voluntary service assignments and seminars must not be disclosed to third parties. This also applies to information about third parties from the deployment sites as well as internal topics. Violations of data protection and confidentiality have labor law consequences, including termination.

    Please refer to our website for the applicable data protection regulations for digital seminar offerings and participation in face-to-face seminars.

    Data Sheet

    You will receive the data sheet along with your contract documents. We need the information on it in order to pay your allowance. The fully completed data sheet must be submitted to us no later than four weeks before the start of your voluntary service. Only then can we pay your pocket money on time (by the end of the month). The following information is requested from you on the data sheet:

    • Bank details
    • Tax ID
    • Tax class
    • Health insurance
    • Social security number

    Deployment Sites

    The DRK LV (German Red Cross State Association) offers over 900 positions for volunteers in Rhineland-Palatinate, both in DRK-owned facilities and in other organizations. A voluntary service is possible in (social) pedagogical or nursing/medical areas. You can find an overview of our deployment sites here.


    The voluntary service is typically contracted for a period of 12 months. Recognition as a completed voluntary service occurs after six months (see certificates). You have the option to extend your service for up to 18 months.

    To request an extension, you will need to submit an appropriate application, which you can obtain from your assigned educational supervisor. Your deployment site must provide written approval for the extension.

    For each additional month of extension, an extra seminar day, as required by law, is incurred. Please get in touch with your assigned educational supervisor regarding the additional seminar days.

    Your entitlement to vacation increases by two additional days for each extended month.

  • E

    Emergency Medical Services

    Volunteers in the emergency services must complete a course to become a paramedic beforehand. This does not count towards the duration of the voluntary service. The working hours in the emergency services are not based on 39 hours, as the so-called "waiting or standby times" (i.e., times when waiting for an emergency call) are not fully counted as working hours. This can lead to higher weekly working hours of up to 46 hours. The calculation of working hours for a seminar week is equivalent to a working week at the service location, meaning that during an educational day, you cannot accrue either extra hours or deficit hours.

  • F

    Fachhochschulreife (vocational technical diploma)

    For the recognition of the practical part of the subject-specific university entrance qualification (Fachhochschulreife), your voluntary service must generally cover the full 12 months. For more detailed information, please contact the institution recognizing the theoretical part of the subject-specific university entrance qualification (your former school).


    You can individually choose your flex days (flexible seminar days) from a variety of topics. This allows you to tailor your voluntary service even more to your personal interests. You select the flex days using our online tool "freiwillig24.de".


    Freiwillig24.de is an online tool where you can:

    • upload missing documents
    • choose your flexible seminar days

    You will receive the access data directly from the freiwillig24 website via email at the appropriate time. To register, we use the email address you provided to us. If you forget your password, you can reset it yourself through the website.

    Freiwilligendienst-Begleiter (booklet)

    You will receive a personal book as a volunteer service guide during your volunteer service. This book will be used, among other things, during the education days. Feel free to explore it a bit in advance.

  • G


    The German Red Cross (DRK) is a leading organization in the field of social welfare. The Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement consist of 192 national societies (as of 2020). Our principles are: Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary Service, Unity, and Universality. More about the German Red Cross can be found here.

    The German Red Cross State Association of Rhineland-Palatinate (DRK LV Rheinland-Pfalz e.V.) is a recognized organization for the implementation of voluntary services. The DRK is responsible for hiring, terminations, placement, personnel management, remuneration, certificates, and the practice-oriented seminar work.

    Mailing Address:

    DRK-LV RLP e.V. Freiwilligendienste Mitternachtsgasse 4, 55116 Mainz

    Email: freiwilligendienste@lv-rlp.drk.de Hotline: 06131-28281380

    An overview of the staff of the Voluntary Services with contact information can be found under Team. If you are unable to reach your responsible educational advisor, feel free to contact our hotline.

  • H

    Half-Orphan/Full Orphan Pension

    During your voluntary service, as a dependent of an insured person, you are entitled to half-orphan/full orphan pension. This entitlement exists until you reach the age of 26 at the latest. This provision ensures financial support for dependents in case of the insured person's death during the voluntary service period.


    Your voluntary service is a learning and orientation year, guided by learning goals. Our happiness concept provides you with helpful impulses for your personal development. So, happiness will repeatedly cross your path during your voluntary service. For example, in the happiness group, which serves as a forum for exchanging experiences in your placement and also delves into various aspects of happiness.

    Health and Safety

    In voluntary service, the same safety regulations apply as in an employment relationship. Please inform yourself on-site about the specific house rules and occupational safety regulations to be observed. Your placement provides you with the necessary work clothing if required.

  • I

    Illness (Seminar)

    Notify your responsible education coordinator by phone before the start of the seminar (at the latest on the first day of the seminar before it begins) if you are ill. On seminar days, a certificate of incapacity for work is required from the first day of illness. We expect you to send the sick notice to the DRK-Landesverband without being asked to do so; otherwise, a warning will be issued. Those who are sick only from Monday to Wednesday during week-long seminars must participate in the seminar on Thursday and Friday.

    Illness (Service at the Placement Site)

    In case of illness, notify your deployment site immediately (at the latest before the start of your shift) by phone to inform them about the expected duration of your illness. It's not necessary to disclose the reason for your illness. Make sure to discuss the procedure in case of illness in advance with your EST (Einsatzstelle).

    If you are sick for more than three calendar days (not working days!), a medical certificate confirming the incapacity to work and its expected duration is required.

    There are two cases here:

    • If you receive three copies (one for you as the insured person, one for the employer, and one for the health insurance): The AUB (certificate of incapacity for work) must be presented immediately to the DRK-Landesverband RLP (original for the employer) and at your deployment site (copy for the employer).
    • If you only receive a single copy for yourself as the insured person, please contact your responsible education coordinator.

    In the case of prolonged illness, the DRK LV RLP will continue to pay your benefits for up to six weeks. After that, you will receive sick pay from your health insurance. It is important here that you also send the AUBs to your health insurance, unless they are transmitted electronically.

    Please be sure to notify the DRK as soon as it is clear when you will likely be able to work again.

    Initial Examination

    You will receive information about the pre-employment examination and any necessary vaccinations from your placement site. Before starting practical work at the placement site, you may need to undergo a pre-employment examination, such as the initial medical examination for individuals under 18 years of age according to §§ 32 and 42 of the Youth Employment Protection Act. The costs are covered either by your health insurance or your placement site. Please discuss cost coverage with your placement site before incurring any expenses.

    In addition, vaccinations may be required according to the Biological Agents Ordinance. Your placement site will inform you about the health prevention measures necessary in your area of assignment.


    During your voluntary service, you are covered by social insurance, which includes the following types of insurance:

    • Health Insurance:
      • During the voluntary service, all volunteers must be covered by statutory health insurance. This means that those who were previously privately (family) insured must join a statutory health insurance fund for the duration of the voluntary service. You should discuss with your health insurance company whether you can return to your previous insurance conditions after your service.
    • Accident Insurance:

      • Volunteers are generally covered by accident insurance. This applies to both working hours at the placement site and during seminar times. Commutes are also covered, provided the direct route to or from the placement site or seminar is taken.
    • Pension Insurance

    • Long-Term Care Insurance

    • Unemployment Insurance

    These insurances provide a comprehensive safety net during your time as a volunteer, covering a range of circumstances from health issues to accidents that may occur during work or while traveling to and from your placement site or seminars.


    The voluntary service can be credited as a preliminary internship or nursing internship for some social care, pedagogical, medical training, and study programs. Please personally inquire with the relevant training institutions to determine how your voluntary service will be recognized as an internship. If you plan to do an internship during your voluntary service, see Leave iof Absence.

  • L

    Labor Market Neutrality

    According to the BFDG/JFDG, your voluntary service is a year of learning and orientation. The voluntary service is carried out as predominantly full-time and practical assistance in nonprofit organizations (see Deployment Site). You support the professional staff.


    The voluntary service is generally governed by the following legal regulations:

    • JFDG – Youth Volunteer Service Act
    • BFDG – Federal Voluntary Service Act
    • ArbZG – Working Hours Act
    • ArbSchG – Occupational Safety and Health Act
    • JArbSchG – Youth Employment Protection Act

    Leave of Absence

    There is no special leave. Volunteers can be granted leave of absence from service in exceptional cases and with the agreement of the placement. Occasions for this may include, for example, a job interview or an entrance examination for a university.

    If such an appointment falls on a seminar day, your responsible educational coordinator is responsible for the leave. The missed seminar day must be made up. Leave of absence must always be requested in writing, and the reason for the leave must be proven.

    A multi-day leave of absence, for example, for an internship, is also possible. It should be noted that the insurance coverage of the placement (liability and accident insurance) does not apply in the internship institution, and the placement must agree to it.

  • M

    Maternity Protection

    In voluntary service, the Maternity Protection Act applies. For further questions, you can contact your responsible education coordinator. Parental leave is not applicable during voluntary service.


    You will have practical guidance by a mentor at the deployment site. This person is your first point of contact on-site and takes care of both professional and individual training and support. Your deployment site has its own manual with all the necessary information.

    MS Teams

    We use MS Teams for some seminars. You will receive the corresponding access data for using MS Teams from us before your first seminar.

  • N


    In your voluntary service, you can, if you wish and after prior agreement with your placement, take on night duty at the placement.

  • P

    Pedagogical Guidance

    The educational support in your voluntary service is legally regulated (see JFDG and BFDG). It is subdivided into:

    • Practical guidance by the placement site
    • Practice-related seminar work
    • Support by the organization

    If you have questions or issues during your voluntary service, you can always contact your responsible educational advisor.

    Probationary Period

    In the FSJ (Voluntary Social Year), the first twelve weeks of the deployment are considered a probationary period, while in the BFD (Federal Voluntary Service), the first six weeks are. In rare cases, there are different arrangements. Please check your agreement to see if this applies to you. See Termination.

  • Q

    Qualified Testimonial

    After completing the voluntary service (at least six months), you are entitled to a qualified testimonial. Please note:

    • A testimonial will be issued only upon your active request. For this, please contact your placement site and educational consultant in advance (approximately 4 weeks before the end of service).
    • Only testimonials from DRK-LV are formally valid. Testimonials directly issued by a placement site do not have formal validity.
    • The finished testimonial will be provided to you only after the end of the voluntary service. If you need an interim testimonial in advance, you must request it from the placement site.
  • R

    Regional Offices

    Aside from the location in Mainz, we have offices in Koblenz, Kaiserslautern, Trier, and Worms. From here, the regional seminar groups are supported. The addresses are:

    DRK-Landesverband RLP e.V.
    Freiwilligendienste I Büro Worms
    Eckenbertstraße 60, 67549 Worms

    DRK-Landesverband RLP e.V.
    Freiwilligendienste I Büro Koblenz
    Ferdinand-Sauerbruch-Str. 12, 56073 Koblenz

    DRK-Landesverband RLP e.V.
    Freiwilligendienste I Büro Kaiserslautern
    Wilh.-Kittelberger Str. 71,  67659 Kaiserslautern

    DRK-Landesverband RLP e.V.
    Freiwilligendienste I Büro Trier
    Im Pi-Park 4, 54294 Trier

    Rest Times

    You are entitled to an eleven-hour rest period between the end of work and the beginning of the next workday. Special regulations apply to minors (see the Youth Labor Protection Act). In hospitals and/or facilities for the treatment, care, and support of individuals, the eleven-hour rest period may be shortened by one hour, provided that any reduction is compensated within a month by extending another rest period to at least 12 hours.

  • S

    Secondary Employment

    A secondary occupation must always be approved in advance and is possible on a limited basis, provided that the maximum weekly working hours are observed. The form 'Application for Permission to Engage in a Secondary Occupation' must be requested from your responsible education coordinator and signed by you, your placement, and the DRK 

    Here are some guidelines on when a secondary occupation is permissible:

    • Your application for a secondary occupation must be approved before you start the secondary job. If your secondary occupation already exists before the start of your voluntary service, it still needs to be approved by us before your voluntary service begins.
    • You must be at least 18 years old.
    • You must observe a rest period of at least 11 hours.
    • You must not exceed a regular weekly working time of 48 hours. Naturally, this includes the working hours of your voluntary service plus any working hours from the secondary occupation.
    • Your voluntary service is always considered your primary occupation.


    During the Youth Voluntary Service, 25 days of education take place. In BFD 27plus, 12 seminar days are mandatory within one year. The education days can be held in a digital format or in-person. They are structured into the following components during your voluntary service:

    1. Welcome day
    2. Block seminars
    3. Flex days

    Special conditions apply for BFD 27plus. A key focus of the educational seminars is the reflection on experiences and insights gained from daily work in the placement sites (practice reflection). You actively contribute to shaping the content of the seminar work. Attendance at seminars is mandatory.

    Social Security

    see Insurances.

    Supplementary Identity Card (Ergänzungsausweis)

    Do you have a supplementary identity card? Please contact your responsible educational advisor for assistance.


    Due to the legally regulated benefits for volunteers, overtime, weekend, and holiday services cannot be compensated with financial bonuses.

  • T


    The voluntary service ends after the expiration of the contract period, without the need for a specific termination.

    During the probationary period, the deployment site, the DRK state association and you can withdraw from the agreement without giving reasons (see ➔ probationary period).

    After the probationary period, the voluntary service can be terminated with a notice period of four weeks to the 14th or the end of a calendar month. The notice period of four weeks to the end or middle of the month must be strictly observed. Please use the form 'Application for Termination'. You can get this from your responsible education coordinator.

    Please send us the termination signed by your deployment site and yourself (for minors, by your parents) by post.

    Transportation Costs (Commute)

    During the FSJ and BFD, no travel expenses for commuting to the deployment site will be reimbursed. It is possible to obtain discounted public transportation tickets from regional transport associations. Check if the 49-ticket is possibly the most cost-effective option for you.

    Transportation Costs (Seminar)

    Travel expenses for public transportation, train (2nd class, excluding ICE, IC, and EC), or by car will be reimbursed if the completed application with the tickets or, for car drivers (€0.20/km), with a printout of the route (e.g., Google Maps), is sent to the respective educational supervisor. The most economical connection should be chosen. The applications must be submitted no later than three weeks after the educational days (seminar, flex day, preparation meeting).

    You will receive the application form during the educational days or by email.

  • U

    Unemployment Benefits (Bürgergeld)

    Whether you are eligible for citizen money (Bürgergeld) depends on your local job center. According to the new Citizen Money Act (effective from July 1, 2023):

    • The allowance for volunteers under 26 years is €520.
    • The allowance for volunteers over 26 years is €250.

    University Application

    When allocating a study placement through the Foundation for University Admissions, individuals who are completing a voluntary service must not be disadvantaged (§ 18 State Treaty). This means that those who have applied for and secured a study placement during their voluntary service are guaranteed to retain it in the following year.

    Your voluntary service can have a positive impact on your applications. Please note the regulations of the relevant universities and colleges and inquire specifically with them.

  • V


    You are entitled to vacation. This amounts to 26 working days for all volunteers (both adults and minors) in a 12-month voluntary service. Vacation must be coordinated in advance with the responsible person at your placement. Note the separate regulation during closure periods in facilities, especially in daycare centers and schools. No vacation may be taken during seminars!

    Volunteer ID

    At the beginning of your voluntary service, you will receive a voluntary service identification card. It is comparable to a student ID and allows for various discounts, although without legal entitlement. The specific regulations can be obtained on-site.

    An overview of the different offers can be found here: https://fuer-freiwillige.de/.

  • W


    It is possible to receive a warning in voluntary service due to misconduct at the placement or during educational days. If the misconduct persists, it may lead to termination.

    Working hours

    The working hours are determined by the labor conditions of the deployment site and are considered full-time in youth volunteer services. You can inquire about the exact weekly working hours at your deployment site.

    The duty schedules are created by the responsible staff in the deployment sites. Sites with shift work may involve early, late, and weekend shifts, or other schedule models. Minus and overtime hours should be avoided or promptly compensated. Unintentional minus hours cannot be attributed to volunteers. See Youth Employment Protection Act (Jugendarbeitsschutzgesetz).

  • Y

    Youth Labor Protection Act (JArbSchG)

    The Youth Employment Protection Act (Jugendarbeitsschutzgesetz - JArbSchG) applies to individuals under 18 years of age. It primarily outlines regulations regarding working hours, leisure time, weekend shifts, and break times, as determined by the placement. It's advisable to discuss these regulations with your supervisor if you are under 18 years old. Feel free to reach out to your educational consultant if you have any questions. Here's a summary of the key rules.

    Youth Voluntary Service

    If you are between the ages of 16 and 26, you can participate in a Youth Voluntary Service. This typically involves full-time practical work at a placement site, supplemented by educational days provided by us. If you complete a one-year service, you will participate in 25 educational days. During your service, you will be supported and guided by an education coordinator from the DRK (German Red Cross) and a supervisor at your placement site.

    A Youth Voluntary Service can take the form of either a FSJ (Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr) or BFD (Bundesfreiwilligendienst), which usually depends on the specific placement site.

Youth Labor Protection Act (JArbSchG)

If you are not yet of legal age, special protections apply to you during your voluntary service. This means that there are specific rules for you in certain areas. Here is an overview of these areas based on the Youth Labor Protection Act (JArbSchG).

  • Working Hours and Rest

    Working hours refer to the actual time spent working, excluding rest breaks.

    For individuals under 18 years old:

    • The daily working time must not exceed 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week.
    • An exception is that if on certain workdays (e.g., Fridays), the working time is reduced to less than 8 hours, young workers can be employed for up to 8 ½ hours on the remaining workdays of the same week.
    • Young workers can only be employed between 6 am and 8 pm.
    • After completing their daily working time, young workers must not be employed again until they have had an uninterrupted break of at least 12 hours.
  • Shift Time

    Shift time refers to the daily working time plus rest breaks.

    For individuals under 18 years old:

    • The shift time must not exceed 10 hours per day.
    • In shift work in hospitals, nursing homes for the elderly, and children's care homes, young workers can work until 11 pm.
    • There must be a minimum of 12 hours of free time between the end of one shift and the beginning of the next. Therefore, young workers cannot start the early shift the day after a regular late shift.
  • Breaks

    Young workers must be granted predetermined rest breaks of adequate duration.

    Rest breaks must be at least:

    • For working hours of more than 4 ½ up to 6 hours = 30 minutes
    • For working hours of more than 6 hours = 60 minutes

    Young workers must not be employed continuously for longer than 4 ½ hours without a break.

  • 5 Day Weeks

    Young workers may only be employed for 5 days a week. Ideally, the two weekly rest days should follow each other whenever possible.

  • Saturday Rest

    Generally, young workers should not be employed on Saturdays.

    Exception: Employment on Saturdays is allowed in the following cases:

    • In hospitals and in nursing homes for the elderly, as well as in children's care homes.
    • In open retail stores and businesses with open retail sales.
    • In bakeries and confectioneries.
    • In the hairdressing trade and market trade.
    • In transportation.
    • In agriculture and animal husbandry.
    • In family households.
    • In the catering and fairground business.
    • During music performances, theatrical shows, and other performances, as well as in radio (broadcasting and television) recordings, on sound and image carriers, and during film and photo shoots.
    • In extracurricular training programs.
    • In sports.
    • In emergency medical services.
    • In vehicle repair shops.

    If young workers are employed on a Saturday, they should be given another day off during the same week. At least 2 Saturdays per month should be kept employment-free (exceptions can be made by mutual agreement).

  • Sunday Rest

    On Sundays, young workers should generally not be employed.

    Exception: Employment on Sundays is allowed in the following cases:

    • In hospitals and in nursing homes for the elderly, as well as in children's care homes.
    • In agriculture and animal husbandry for work that must be done out of necessity on Sundays and holidays.
    • In family households when the young worker is part of the household.
    • In the fairground business.
    • During music performances, theatrical shows, and other performances, as well as during live broadcasts on radio (broadcasting and television).
    • In sports.
    • In emergency medical services.
    • In the catering industry.

    If young workers are employed on a Sunday, they should be given another day off during the same week. Every second Sunday of the month should be kept employment-free, and at least two Sundays per month must be employment-free.

  • Holidays

    Young workers must not be employed on:

    • December 24th after 2:00 PM
    • December 31st after 2:00 PM
    • The following statutory holidays:
      • January 1st (New Year's Day)
      • Easter Sunday
      • May 1st (Labor Day)
      • December 25th (Christmas Day)

    On the statutory holidays, young workers may be employed under the same conditions as on Sundays. It does not matter which day of the week the holiday falls on.

    • Good Friday
    • Ascension Day
    • Whit Monday
    • Corpus Christi
    • October 3rd (German Unity Day)
    • November 1st (All Saints' Day)
    • December 26th (Second Christmas Day)

    On these statutory holidays, young workers may be employed in:

    • Hospitals and nursing homes for the elderly
    • Agriculture and animal husbandry for work that must be done out of necessity on Sundays and holidays
    • Family households when the young worker is part of the household
    • The fairground business
    • Music performances, theatrical shows, and other performances, as well as live broadcasts on radio (broadcasting and television)
    • Sports
    • Emergency medical services
    • The catering industry

    If young workers are employed on a statutory holiday, they must be given a substitute rest day. If the holiday falls on:

    • A Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, young workers should be given another day off during the same week or the following week.
    • A Saturday, young workers should be given another day off during the same week or the following week. The young workers can choose whether the substitute rest day should be in the same week as the holiday or the following week.
    • A Sunday, young workers should be given a substitute rest day in advance during the same week.
  • Vacation

    The employer is required to provide young workers with paid annual leave for each calendar year. The annual leave entitlement is as follows:

    • At least 30 working days if the young worker is not yet 16 years old at the beginning of the calendar year.
    • At least 27 working days if the young worker is not yet 17 years old at the beginning of the calendar year.
    • At least 25 working days if the young worker is not yet 18 years old at the beginning of the calendar year.

    Conversion to a 5-day week:

    When calculating the number of vacation days, the Youth Employment Protection Act, like the Federal Leave Act for adults, assumes a 6-day workweek. However, all FSJ helpers, including those on shift duty, have a 5-day workweek. Therefore, the above-mentioned vacation days must be converted to a 5-day workweek. The conversion results in annual leave entitlements of:

    • At least 25 working days for those under 16 years old
    • At least 22.5 working days for those under 17 years old
    • At least 20.8 working days for those under 18 years old.

    The DRK collective agreement provides for 26 working days of annual leave for all volunteers, regardless of their age, for a 12-month service period.

More information on FSJ and BFD